Consumption experience in proximity commerce

Proximity Commerce – their shops, their services, and their people – are the faces of the streets of a city. Today, planning an economically and socially dynamic and attractive public space is very much about stimulating sustainability and the quality of the commercial ecosystem. This Forum first edition theme is the consumption experience, placing the consumer at the centre of the debate on retail development policies. Models of omni- channel consumer involvement will be discussed from various angles:  
  • how to develop new models for shopping streets, a hybrid between commerce, leisure, and conviviality, so that they can become levers for new centralities, new places of urban life? We will address the interdependence between proximity commerce and proximity urbanism.
  • how to ensure business positioning with great identity value deeply rooted in its context on the major global distribution platforms? We will discuss how to scale and internationalise businesses based on trust, loyalty, and proximity.
  • how to transfer a street shopping experience, customised by face-to-face relationships and proximity, to a virtual interaction online? We will discuss how to welcome on phygital, focussing on the qualification of the entire consumer journey on the various channels.
  • how to convert a way of serving based on consumer customisation into a commercial or service asset? The challenge of incorporating this intangible asset into the standard of business quality and identity will be discussed.
  • How can we pass on the accumulated know-how of local commerce to the new generations of workers and entrepreneurs who comprise city’s commercial offer? We will be discussing skills and know-how, training and professionalisation in proximity commerce.
  • and, finally, how can the good reputation and proximity of commerce be transferred to city’s assets communication? The role of territorial communication in geostrategic assertion and in strengthening the identity and imagery of the city will be debated.
Therefore, a qualified consumption experience which meets contemporary lifestyles is the one that:
  • provides conviviality in a context rich in rituals and meanings,
  • relates to the convenience of the multiple city life rhythms, both physically and digitally
  • also re-establishes chains of trust and a sense of respect for the planet.
  The challenges and potentialities of consumption experience in proximity commerce will be discussed in the presentation of best practices, talks with traders and leading speakers on this subject, themed workshops and guided tours of local commerce.

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