Carlos Brito

Carlos Brito

Carlos Brito is a professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto and is active in various organisations, including the Portuguese Management Association and the Observatory of Port Wine, of which he is president, the Strategic Council for Tourism in Porto and the North, of which he is a member, and Essência Completa, of which he is a member of the Advisory Board.

He was Pro-Rector of the University of Porto for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Director of UPTEC – Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto. Carlos Brito has a degree in Economics (University of Porto), an MBA (NOVA University) and a PhD in Marketing (Lancaster University), with further training in the Entrepreneurship & Innovation programme at Babson College and the Education Leadership programme at Case Western University.

At the Forum, he will bring his knowledge to debate customer service models that add value to the business.